Winter Months at Grateful Dreads

We’re mid-winter right now.  The snow has been dumping!  Grateful Dreads has stayed busy through hibernation time, and I’m so happy with all of the amazing people who walk in the door!  These are a few pics I snapped last week:

This is what happens to Twan when he gets his dreads washed at Grateful Dreads!
This is what happens to Twan when he gets his dreads washed at Grateful Dreads!
Daphne is growing out her hair, and it’s so pretty! Look at that natural wave forming on the side!
Lily came for a shape up. Her hair is hard to see in the pics, but the waves are flowy and beautiful.
I loved her boots, and we like the pic with her hair all around!!
Yeu had her first hair cut in the US!
Emily’s new trendy hair. I made it bright red, and she wanted it cut short. I absolutely love this short haircut! So cute!
Leigh is off to Italy with her new haircut! She has such beautiful, long, full hair!!

The sign is printed and will be up either Monday or Tuesday!  I’ve been up to quite a bit with the salon.  Lots of new ideas are coming to life this winter…