Tyler’s New Dreads

Tyler came in with a very nice afro.
Abbie and I teamed up on his hair!
New fresh dreads!
Close up. I like to stagger the parts for a more even look.


Tyler and Abbie with the new fish-eye camera lens!

Thank you Tyler!  Your beautiful afro made some thick and healthy dreadlocks!

Lots of Dreads!

There are so many different people who come to the salon for dreads work! I love meeting everyone and helping people with their hair really makes me feel great! I believe getting mature dreads washed in a salon has got to be one of the better feelings in life!!

He’s had these dreads since he was 2 years old!
Look at those beautiful, long and big dreads!
Freshly tightened new growth
Family pics! They are a happy and close family. His sisters stayed by his side the entire time!
Jacob has the most gorgeous hair! I can spot it a mile away! Also a very cool long board…
This is his natural texture and color. Very rare and beautfiul!
A hand-blown glass bead for one-year-old dreads
Superman gets his hair done at Grateful Dreads! Don’t be fooled by the glasses. It’s really him!! I didn’t do his hair on the left but would really love to when he’s ready!!

Grateful Dreads!  What a fun summer in the salon!  I hope to see you here!


Gorgeous Hair!

This salon really really has the coolest clients!  It’s been a fun week full of amazing hairstyles and wonderful people!!

Here are the pics:

Josh has amazing dreads and style to match!
Josh has amazing dreads and style to match!
Josh in front of Grateful Dreads
Josh in front of Grateful Dreads
Deonta's new dreadlocks!
Deonta’s new dreadlocks!
Deonta has a lot of hair!!!!
Deonta has a lot of hair!!!!
She is totally rad!  I love her new platinum!!
Kaitlyn is totally rad! I love her new platinum!!
Her curls look beautiful with her new cut!
Her curls look beautiful with her new cut!
David's hair is really getting long!  His hair is entirely interlocked.
David’s hair is really getting long! His hair is entirely interlocked.
Long locks rolled up in a hat from the Virgin Islands
Long locks rolled up in a hat from the Virgin Islands

Happy people and amazing hair!

Beauty and Success at Grateful Dreads

June 5th, the weather was beautiful!  And what an eventful day at Grateful Dreads!  Some of my favorite people were in the salon today, and there was so much action at one point, we all just had to pause at the success of this wonderful salon!

John and Ellie. Ellie grows organic food!
John’s superhero photo spread in Hour Magazine. He is a hometown hero for his exquisite cooking and artisanal use of fresh foods. Congrats John! I love this photo of you!!

Laura came to Grateful Dreads for a trim and some color.  I’m so happy with her new shade!

Happy, bouncey, curly!




Summer Goddess

The Peony Garden in Nichols Arboretum is in full bloom, so we finished the evening there!



We are surrounded by beauty!

AJ’s Dreads!

AJ is a really cool, really unique guy! It’s very suiting that he would choose dreadlocks for a hairstyle. AJ grew his hair for three years because, after researching what it takes to have dreads, he knew he’d need the extra length. AJ and I first talked over a year ago (before Grateful Dreads!) about putting in dreads. When the time came, he found this webpage and came to see me again! Our consultation was fun! The dreads session was totally awesome! AJ’s dreads took about 7 hours. We decided to tuck in his ends right away which I don’t usually do. I’d done it before with extensions, and it was okay. So I sent him home with important instructions to palm roll, palm roll, and palm roll those new dreads!!

AJ before dreads
AJ before dreads.  I love his shirt!
Almost done!  Look at the difference in length!  We decided to tuck in his ends right away which took most of his length.
Almost done! Look at the difference in length! We decided to tuck in his ends right away which took most of his length.
AJ's dreads.  Success!
AJ looks happy with his new dreads!
Fresh Dreads with Japanese Greenery
Fresh Dreads with Japanese Greenery

Thanks so much AJ!  I really had a good time.  You are so knowledgable on so many cool things.  I hope everyone else loves your dreads as much as we do!



Scott’s New Dreads!

Scott came to Grateful Dreads for a consultation about a month ago. He wanted dreads and had been growing his hair out for three years to get them! He wasn’t sure how it would go because people told him that his straight hair wouldn’t go into dreads. During our consultation I assured him his hair could, in fact, be dreaded! This past Saturday he came walking down the driveway for his appointment, and we got to work!

Scott’s long, smooth hair before dreadlocks
He’s glowing with excitement!
Scott’s dreads about 2 hours in.
Sweet success!
Loving the new look!
Scott and Jane under the dreadlock tree!

Thanks to both of you!  I am so happy to be a part of this accomplishment, and I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with you!

Happy Spring!

Dread Extensions All Day Long!

These are two amazing examples of what dread extensions can do.

Stephanie has wanted dreads for years!  This was so fun to make her vision come to life!  Abbie, a local dreadie and artist, came to Grateful Dreads to help put in Stephanie’s dreads.  We used extensions to add thickness to the ends and just a little length.  The color match is amazing!

Stephanie’s hair before dreads
Freshly dreaded!
Yes Zach loves her dreads, but he’s really smiling because we’re done!

Stephanie’s dreads with extensions took 8 hours with 3 hours of help from Abbie.  Thanks for coming in Stephanie!  You and Zach are both great and very patient.  We had a nice day!


This next set of pictures are of Nicole.  She came to Grateful Dreads from Chicago to have her dreads put back in.  She had recently cut them off to try an A-line style and quickly knew it wasn’t for her.  Nicole and her boyfriend arrived that morning, and Abbie and I were waiting.

Abbie and I doubled up on Nicole’s thick hair.
You can still see Nicole’s thick, short, A-line bob with just a few extensions at the bottom.
Nicole got her dreads back!

Nicole’s dreads with partial extensions took 8 hours with 4 hours of help from Abbie.  Thank you so much Nicole for coming to Ann Arbor to get your dreads done!  And thank you Abbie for helping!!  This is a good thing all around!

Dreads Session Pics

Gabi Giacchieri came to the salon to take some photos of Cam and got these of me working on Anthony’s hair.  Thank you Gabi!!!

A great pic of the salon!
That’s Cam in the mirror.
And Bron
I like this one!