Lots of Dreads!

There are so many different people who come to the salon for dreads work! I love meeting everyone and helping people with their hair really makes me feel great! I believe getting mature dreads washed in a salon has got to be one of the better feelings in life!!

He’s had these dreads since he was 2 years old!
Look at those beautiful, long and big dreads!
Freshly tightened new growth
Family pics! They are a happy and close family. His sisters stayed by his side the entire time!
Jacob has the most gorgeous hair! I can spot it a mile away! Also a very cool long board…
This is his natural texture and color. Very rare and beautfiul!
A hand-blown glass bead for one-year-old dreads
Superman gets his hair done at Grateful Dreads! Don’t be fooled by the glasses. It’s really him!! I didn’t do his hair on the left but would really love to when he’s ready!!

Grateful Dreads!  What a fun summer in the salon!  I hope to see you here!


Recent Clients at Grateful Dreads!

A stunning curly cut!
Look at her bouncy curls!
Carlee’s dreadlocks after almost 5 weeks. We blunted her ends this time!
Heather is a mermaid with her pink wavy hair!
AJ, it’s always a pleasure!
AJ’s dreads after 3 weeks. His hair has made amazing progress!
I love Victor!
Sara stopped by!
Look at all that hair!  Knotty dread locks!!
Look at all that hair! Knotty dread locks!!
We had a late night dreads session and fixed up her hair! She’d put in her dreads with some college friends, and came in for some maintenance. We had fun and are all happy with the results!
Kai ‘el has new extensions on some of his mature naturally locked hair.
Gabi is so beautiful. She’s on her way to a photoshoot!


Hunter came to Grateful Dreads on one of the first beautiful spring days this season. We had a good time putting in her dreadlocks. Her hair was really perfect for them! We were even able to blunt her ends which is very rare in the beginning.  Hunter’s dreads took me about 4 hours to put in.  No wax.  No rubberbands.  Just her natural hair!

Before, looking like a spring goddess!
After, Hunter’s beautiful new dreads!!
Happy Hippy Chic! Hunter’s new blonde dreads are totally cute!!!

Hunter really is the complete vision. Special thank you to Hunter and her peeps for the kind and happy company.  Happy Spring everyone!!

Cool Clients of Grateful Dreads with Gorgeous Hair!

I love the people who come to Grateful Dreads!  I’m really happy with these pics.  For anyone who follows this blog, you can see the progress of Josh’s and Cam’s hair.  You will also recognize Nicole from previous posts.

Xiao Hui Fan
It’s been two months since I first cut Cam’s hair.  He’s growing it out, and it’s looking so good!.  You can click here to see his first cut at Grateful Dreads.

Gorgeous haircut!
You can see Cam’s natural wave coming out now that his hair has some length. It was his idea to part it on the side with the straight part. I love it! Classic smooth styles are really where it’s at right now!
I threaded Cam’s brows too.
I love Cam’s smile!

Josh has had his dreads for 10 months!  We put them in around Easter time.  Click here to view Josh’s dreads freshly done, and click here to see them after 10 weeks!

Lookin’ good Josh!
Look at those dreads!
My fabulous jet-setter friend Nicole blew through town and spent the day with me at the salon. I gave her a pretty roller set and did her make up!

Emily is an Ann Arbor townie and a U of M student.  She’s also a nanny, and she’s really nice!

She came to the salon for a trim and a little shaping.
Her hair is like Rapunzel’s!
I gave her bangs and some shaping around her face and took off a few inches. Still long!! I dried it to be curly!
Alloy Ash came to the salon late night to get ready for our shoot the next day. 

I touched up her roots and put in some icey Carribean blue! She’s had her dreads for around 6 years and has previously maintained them herself or in California where she does a lot of modeling work.

How lucky am I to have so many amazing clients visit me in just one week!  Thank you so much to all of you for being so cool and loving good hair!
